How are people according to their sign in Astrology
In Astrology, the natal chart, we study in depth, both in the events that we will encounter in life, as the character, the relationship with parents, friends, brothers, our relationship with money and the way we will win , career, social success. Our fears and intimate feelings.
How will the type of personalities we choose, sometimes unconsciously.
Ascending in Astrology, and in an astral chart, it is given by the constellation that was on the horizon, at the time of birth. This is another of the fundamental points to have more information about how we are, according to Astrology.
Along with the position of the Moon in a certain astrological sign, this is one of the important aspects to consider.
How are you according to your sign in Astrology.
We call "my sign" the sign where the sun was at the moment we were born.
When a constellation was on the horizon, this is our ascendant.
The Ascendant is very important. Almost as much as our sign.
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