Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve felt like my Guardian Angel has been with me. I felt it especially when I was young, studying the piano.
It was like having a companion who was always by my side.
After a while, I started sensing a special, invisible presence—a sweet scent in the air…
And then, I’d think, 'My Angel is here.'
This happened most often when I was working on pieces by Chopin, Schubert, Mozart, and others.
Many times, I felt inspired in ways I couldn’t explain. My fingers would fly over the keys as if someone else were guiding them, like I wasn’t really the one playing. The same thing happened when I played in public.
But there was one difference—when I sat down at the piano, I could already feel my angel’s presence.
Even now, at my age, people still say that when I play, I seem to change, almost like I become someone else.
And yes, in a way, I feel like I step into another “dimension” where everything is a lifting of the spirit.
Our angels arrive on their own, when it’s the right moment, without us having to call them.
I believe they come when they know we need them.
It’s clear that harmonious music invites them in.
Our angels guide us without words, showing us a path.
When I created Tarot-josnell.com, I knew I wanted to dedicate a part of the site to angels. That’s why, to help you connect with your Guardian Angel, Tarot Josnell offers a message from your angel every day.
Listen to your angel’s message for today… Pick your angel of the day.
Did you know you’re never alone? Our angels are always with us.
We’re not alone…our Guardian Angel is always by our side. Just call on them, and they’ll make themselves known. Angels are pure spirit and serve God in the Celestial Universe.
Angel protection is real, and it’s a loving presence.
Many times, God sends His angels to protect us and to fight on our behalf.
They guard all our paths.
They’re sent to serve, out of love.
Some believe angels interact with humans, and we can be sure that when God sends them, they come with a purpose—to help us! Angels are among us.
Angels don’t have physical bodies like humans do, so they don’t have a size we can define.
Angels have many roles, such as being our companions, protecting us, and always staying on alert for when we need them.
They’re pure energy, created by God, and they walk with us on our journey of growth.
What does “Angel” mean?
The word "Angel" means messenger, a direct line of communication with the Divine. They’re everywhere in the Universe, protecting planets, stars, time, and everything on Earth, regardless of culture or religion. They might appear as transparent forms.
An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, often shown as a human-like figure with feathered wings and halos around their heads, appearing across various religions and myths.
The theological study of angels is known as "angelology." In Zoroastrianism and Abrahamic religions, they’re often described as benevolent heavenly beings who act as messengers between Heaven and Earth or as guardians and guides.
The term “angel” has expanded to include spirits in many other religious traditions. Angels also play roles like protecting and guiding humans, and carrying out God’s tasks.
In art, angels are often depicted with bird-like wings, halos, robes, and a bright, radiant light.
History and References to Angels
Angels are spiritual beings recognized in many religious traditions.
They’re widely seen as God’s messengers, sent to fulfill God’s will.
Beliefs vary about the exact nature and role of angels. They’re often perceived with a human-like appearance, and typically shown with wings.
Early Christians adopted Jewish ideas about angels. At first, the Christian concept of angels moved between seeing angels as God’s messengers and as manifestations of God Himself.
Later, individual angelic messengers were identified: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel. Over the next couple of centuries (from the third to fifth centuries), the image of angels developed distinct characteristics in both theology and art.
According to various Christian theologians over the past 2,000 years, angels are organized into several orders, or angelic choirs.
The most influential classification is that by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the fourth or fifth century, in his book *The Celestial Hierarchy*. However, during the Middle Ages, many other structures were proposed, some building on Pseudo-Dionysius, others suggesting completely different classifications (some authors limited the number of choirs to seven).
Several other hierarchies were suggested, with some orders in almost reverse positions. Medieval scholars believed that only angels and archangels were directly involved in human affairs.
The authors of *The Celestial Hierarchy* and *Summa Theologica* based their classifications on New Testament passages, specifically Ephesians 1:21 and Colossians 1:16, aiming to reveal a structure of three angelic hierarchies, each containing three orders or choirs.
They are considered the highest order in the hierarchy of angels.
They are the Angels of Love, Light, and Fire.
The Seraphim are closest to God.
In the Throne Room, some Seraphim are described as flying directly above God’s Throne, constantly singing praises.
They’re also called “the Burning Ones”; in the Old Testament, Isaiah 6 describes the Seraphim as having “six wings, two covering their faces, two covering their feet, and two for flight.” They’re associated with the color white.
The second-highest order of Angels. Their name means “wisdom” or “the one who prays.”
In the Throne Room, they’re said to stand beside God’s throne.
They’re also depicted on the Ark of the Covenant as God’s guardians.
The first angels mentioned in the Bible are the Cherubim, placed by God to guard the gates of Eden with flaming swords.
“He drove the man out; at the east of the Garden of Eden, He placed the cherubim and a flaming sword which turned in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life.”
The Cherubim are also known as keepers of the Heavenly records. Unlike the “beautiful little angels” often painted, they have four wings.
The third order in the classification of Angels.
They’re seen as angels of Justice, as they’re said to carry out God’s decisions.
These angels are often thought of as charioteers around God’s Throne. Ezekiel 1:13-19 describes them as having four wings and four faces.
They shine like burnished bronze.
They have hands like those of a man under their wings. They join their wings to each other.
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