Kou / Coming to Meet Encounter

This hexagram indicates a situation in which the principle of

darkness, after having been eliminated, furtively and

unexpectedly obtrudes again from within and below. Of its

own accord the female principle comes to meet the male. It

is an unfavorable and dangerous situation, and we must

understand and promptly prevent the possible consequences.

The hexagram is linked with the fifth month (June-July),

because at the summer solstice the principle of darkness

gradually becomes ascendant again.


COMING TO MEET. The maiden is powerful.

One should not marry such a maiden.

The rise of the inferior element is pictured here in the image of a bold

girl who lightly surrenders herself and thus seizes power. This would not

be possible if the strong and light-giving element had not in turn come

halfway. The inferior thing seems so harmless and inviting that a man

delights in it; it looks so small and weak that he imagines he may dally

with it and come to no harm.

The inferior man rises only because the superior man does not regard

him as dangerous and so lends him power. If he were resisted from the

first, he could never gain influence.

The time of COMING TO MEET is important in still another way.

Although as a general rule the weak should not come to meet the strong,

there are times when this has great significance. When heaven and earth

come to meet each other, all creatures prosper; when a prince and his

official come to meet each other, the world is put in order.

It is

necessary for elements predestined to be joined and mutually dependent

to come to meet one another halfway. But the coming together must be

free of dishonest ulterior motives, otherwise harm will result.

Coming to meet means a casual encounter with an inferior element.

One should not marry a maiden because she does not agree with her

yin nature: she is bold and strong. Such a relation can't last long and it

is potentially dangerously.

When dealing with casual encounters one must take what is useful, but

things should not be adopted when they are not properly located in their



Under heaven, wind:

The image of COMING TO MEET.

Thus does the prince act when disseminating his commands

And proclaiming them to the four quarters of heaven.

The situation here resembles that in hexagram 20, Kuan,

CONTEMPLATION (VIEW). In the latter the wind blows over the earth,

here it blows under heaven; in both cases it goes everywhere. There the

wind is on the earth and symbolizes the ruler taking note of the

conditions in his kingdom; here the wind blows from above and

symbolizes the influence exercised by the ruler through his commands.

Heaven is far from the things of earth, but it sets them in motion by

means of the wind. The ruler is far from his people, but he sets them in

motion by means of his commands and decrees.

The wind is a symbol of an extensive influence. Heaven is the highest

thing; therefore, the wind blowing under the heaven means what is

imparted from above, the power of reaching all points from a high

position. Thus, the prince disseminates his commands towards all the

points of his Kingdom. This means that a ruler goes to the encounter of

his citizens through his orders that emanate of the summit of power.

In another interpretation level, the wind under the heaven means that to

be able to arrive to certain goals, first it is necessary to rise, to grow,

and then to be projected from there to the utmost points.


Six at the beginning means:

It must be checked with a brake of bronze.

Perseverance brings good fortune.

If one lets it take its course, one experiences misfortune.

Even a lean pig has it in him to rage around.

If an inferior element has wormed its way in, it must be energetically

checked at once. By consistently checking it, bad effects can be avoided.

If it is allowed to take its course, misfortune is bound to result; the

insignificance of that which creeps in should not be a temptation to

underrate it. A pig that is still young and lean cannot rage around much,

but after it has eaten its fill and become strong, its true nature comes out

if it has not previously been curbed.

That it must be checked with a brake of bronze means not to leave it

loose, to limit its action, to have it watched over, to drive it.

The misfortune occurs if it is left free, thus it will increase it negative

tendency as the time goes by.

Nine in the second place means:

There is a fish in the tank. No blame.

Does not further guests.

The inferior element is not overcome by violence but is kept under

gentle control. Then nothing evil is to be feared. But care must be taken

not to let it come in contact with those further away, because once free

it would unfold its evil aspects unchecked.

The fish lives in the water; the water represents another world, another

environment. The tank means reclusion, confinement, therefore, a fish

maintained in a tank means that such fellow or element should not leave

its environment, its world.

Not to further meeting means the convenience of not mixing elements so

different, not to bring such subject to certain places or companions. It

also means not to bring questions to places where they are


Nine in the third place means:

There is no skin on his thighs,

And walking comes hard.

If one is mindful of the danger,

No great mistake is made.

There is a temptation to fall in with the evil element offering itself --a

very dangerous situation. Fortunately circumstances prevent this; one

would like to do it, but cannot. This leads to painful indecision in

behavior. But if we gain clear insight into the danger of the situation, we

shall at least avoid more serious mistakes.

The skin is the symbol of sensibility, therefore, to lack skin on the thighs

means lack of orientation. This person is isolated, unsatisfied and

without guidance.

To be mindful means to stop, to meditate at the risk of following an

improper wish and desisting from it.

Nine in the fourth place means::

No fish in the tank.

This leads to misfortune.

Insignificant people must be tolerated in order to keep them well

disposed. Then we can make use of them if we should need them. If we

become alienated from them and do not meet them halfway, they turn

their backs on us and are not at our disposal when we need them. But this

is our own fault.

The tank without fish means lack of support. Not being magnanimous or

tolerant with the common folk, one is without collaborators. Misfortune is

to be alone and without help.

In other analysis level this means lack of comprehension from people of

different circles.

Nine in the fifth place means::

A melon covered with willow leaves.

Hidden lines.

Then it drops down to one from heaven.

The melon, like the fish, is a symbol of the principle of darkness. It is

sweet but spoils easily and for this reason is protected with a cover of

willow leaves. This is a situation in which a strong, superior, well-poised

man tolerates and protects the inferiors in his charge. He has the firm

lines of order and beauty within himself but he does not lay stress upon

them. He does not bother his subordinates with outward show or

tiresome admonitions but leaves them quite free, putting his trust in the

transforming power of a strong and upright personality. And behold! Fate

is favorable. His inferiors respond to his influence and fall to his

disposition like ripe fruit.

A covered melon with leaves represents something that is maturing

privately, without being seen. This means that it is not yet the moment to

appear. There are still many things that should happen in the future.

What drops from heaven means that when the moment comes, the

phenomenon will take place naturally and without additional effort.

Nine at the top means:

He comes to meet with his horns.

Humiliation. No blame.

When a man has withdrawn from the world, its tumult often becomes

unbearable to him. There are many people who in a noble pride hold

themselves aloof from all that is low and rebuff it brusquely wherever it

comes to meet them. Such persons are reproached for being proud and

distant, but since active duties no longer hold them to the world, this

does not greatly matter. They know how to bear the dislike of the masses

with composure.

To advance showing his horns means an over proud behavior. This can

take to solitary and non-pleasant consequences but he has the right to

repel who he doesn't want to tolerate.

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